Thread regarding Clean Harbors Inc. layoffs

They are a billion dollar company that's been in business since 1980.

You honestly think they would close the doors? Oil is in the toilet right now, and is affecting their business, and unfortunately like any other company, they have to trim down. The only down side is that they will lose a few good people, but they will be one of the companies that pulls through, as they have other business lines to rely on.

| 2847 views | | 3 replies (last May 25, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+FBPUqNd

3 replies (most recent on top)

True but the question is WHEN oil prices come back up. Oil producing countries world wide are dumping as much oil on the markets as they can produce. Also if Saudi Aramco goes public, IPO, as they have stated they probably will, it is estimated they will generate between $3 Trillion and $10 Trillion dollars, plenty of money to continue flooding the market.

Post ID: @1Yhid+FBPUqNd

They will be fine as soon as oil prices bounce back

Post ID: @1Yrmp+FBPUqNd

Yes but it's bad for the people that stay, because they have to do a lot of more work,and it putz stress on some people

Post ID: @3ihy+FBPUqNd

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