Thread regarding XTO Energy Inc. layoffs

I was 'given the opportunity to resign' in December. Anyone else out there?

| 4996 views | | 3 replies (last February 19, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+FoHf2lA

3 replies (most recent on top)

Is the Jane Lew, WV XTO location still operating?

Post ID: @Dnle+FoHf2lA

oil is at an all time low - major downsizing is coming

Post ID: @9eil+FoHf2lA

I have heard as much that this is a trim the fat measure. Not true layoff. But you are given no other objective choice. Performance improvement plan or resign. The process bypasses WARN and also allows managers and upper management to maintain pay and healthy bonus incentives as they save money in the opening quarters of 2016. Another source stated 10% company wide were presented with these options. Not confirmed entirely. But other evidence seen suggests this was in the works as far back as late October.

Post ID: @9ybr+FoHf2lA

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