Thread regarding Helmerich & Payne Inc. layoffs


More let go today.

| 3051 views | | 5 replies (last April 14, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+GGMV7Oe

5 replies (most recent on top)

That's disgusting. That is no way to run a company. Do they even realized that these people they got rid of have families and children who's relying on them? This place is going downward spiral by day.

Post ID: @eacf+GGMV7Oe

Bruised egos and petty politics were definitely at play. That is no way to make business decisions as graves as these. Points the way this company is heading. Good luck to all still there. Not sure how many will remain after the next couple of weeks.

Post ID: @4jsc+GGMV7Oe

It was

Post ID: @3ecv+GGMV7Oe

This round seemed completely personal!

Post ID: @3hdy+GGMV7Oe

They let go a wealth of knowledge today. Makes no sense why they let the ones go that they did. Complete bat$h1tcrazy.

Post ID: @pnk+GGMV7Oe

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