Thread regarding Swift Energy Co. layoffs

Layoffs happening Today

It is happening today. I wish the best to the ones still with a job. I will not be surprised if upper management keeps their job. SMH

| 2692 views | | 1 reply (March 31, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+GGhGme5

1 reply

As Swift has YET ANOTHER round of layoffs, I am thankful each day that I was paid to leave. I wouldn't have wanted to work for the management that was left after last years layoff. Its a joke around there, quit stringing everyone along and go ahead and close the doors, they're just prolonging the inevitable ...... that place is a joke! Classic case of a man building an empire, its handed to his son, the son and his buddies run it into the ground!!

Post ID: @soq+GGhGme5

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