Thread regarding Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. layoffs

Is it true?

So in the comments bellow it states they are benchmarking the facility's groups but in the same post it says cutting 30% of its technititans... So is this just a facilities group thing or are us technititans rolled into this too?

| 3652 views | | 8 replies (last April 21, 2017)

8 replies (most recent on top)

I regret staying on at Freescale for as long as I did. It was a worker bee deadend, various levels of pigeon middle management and deadwood folk being given the axe to find what to chop ...

Post ID: @63bfx+GRVQyFU

If you have at least 20 years and are 50 years old or more get in touch with your manager NOW if you want a severance. After November the clock is reset and there will be no more severance packages offered. If you don't take the initiative to get this process started HR will not come to you.

Post ID: @8qcn+GRVQyFU

So as far as us technicians go then we are that 30% of the force that is being let go. So there is a chance that we are still in fear of our jobs. So they are going to try to attempt to convert us techs over to contract? I don't see that going over well

Post ID: @2cnp+GRVQyFU

Sorry for your trouble but your management (Roger Edgar ) sucks. Bound to happen.

Post ID: @1dab+GRVQyFU

Hahaha! Sorry but freescale deserves to rot for the way they (Roger Edgar, Adam Schramek) treated people. Instead of rewarding people with good ideas they sued them. So tough luck karma sucks.

Post ID: @1khu+GRVQyFU

All too true. When I spoke to HR this is the answer I got: NXP and Freescale are different company's with different polices." Read into that what you will. Sadly only management is getting severance, the rank and file employees are getting nothing. "Synergy" is Dutch for: " "We Hate Our Employees."

Post ID: @1psv+GRVQyFU

Correction: The date I included is wrong, it should be 4/11/2016

Post ID: @1olw+GRVQyFU

3/11/2016: Right now it is a Facilities issue. Last week Paul Thomas Brown and Harris Young were given the ax and have accepted a nice severance package for early retirement. There is a major reorganization going on right now. The Night shifts will be reduced down to 3 people at each site, it will be essentially a skeleton crew. Both sides are being benchmarked and it looks like they are getting ready to convert these groups to Contractor status. However, severance packages are only being offered to management, everyone else just gets a pink slip and a personal escort out the door by security.

Post ID: @1glr+GRVQyFU

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