When you are talking about an employees or a higher up people behind their backs to another employee then you are a rotten boss and you compromised the morale of your department and your position. Bosses should be pleasant and kind, and concerned about the welfare of their staff, but the type of friend that you gossip with needs to be someone outside the office. (Although, in reality, you should't be gossiping about anyone.) When you cross that line, you not only set up an unpleasant environment, you may end up setting up an illegal one.
2 replies (most recent on top)
There are some that definitely deserve to get fired for bad mouthing some executives and then allowing their employees to do the same and laugh about it. I wish I would have reported these people when I overheard them do these things but I am always afraid it will come back to them who turned them in because people here gossip too much.
Haha. You just describe half of bosses here.