Thread regarding Tetra Technologies Inc. layoffs

Rolling Layoffs, across-the-board staff paycuts (excluding execs), more layoffs coming

Tetra is laying people off and has reduced the entire staffs pay all while Tetra has hired loads of high payed consultants that cost the company 2-3 times typical staff salaries. I wonder where the staff paycuts went! Most departments are undergoing re-org, consultants pushing out the full-timers. All new hires beware as they are just filling the positions for the interim. I'be been a Tetra employee over 10 years and being pushed out because of poor executive leadership. Jobs at Tetra are no longer long term.

| 3759 views | | 3 replies (last July 29, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+H1AiKjJ

3 replies (most recent on top)

I got laid off from Tetra and I get the anger. management decisions could be questionable to individuals. I personally did not see consultants and nowadays nobody is safe and everyone is replaceable

Post ID: @pajtt+H1AiKjJ

Are layoffs expected at CSI Compressco as well?

Post ID: @9ilq+H1AiKjJ

Administrative Assistants included in the layoffs?

Post ID: @5tti+H1AiKjJ

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