Biased management. The layoffs are based on wether the supervisors like you not how you perform the job or demonstrate morale. This place is all about who your friends with within a certain "circle". I wish The president of this company would see who are the real tyrants and toxic amongst these people and get rid of them. And start with HR. Eliminate those who leak confidential information such as layoffs timeframe. That being said, compromised the morale and values of the company, and people who are supposed to protect confidential information are the culprits. Also too many good hardworking people lost their jobs all because some people who had the authority to do such were allowed to pick and choose who to eliminate-which is a pretty shady practice !!! Too much office politics. Beyond disgusting.
1 reply
I agree, shady lay off practices are going on at H&P. The very ones pointing the finger at who loses their jobs are the very ones that should be let go! The problem is, H&Ps problems start at the top, so whose left to step in and do the right thing? Hans and the Board of Directors are listening to John Lindsey who knows absolutely nothing about whats going on beneath him. David Millwee, I know as a fact Davids a snake and will get rid of anybody that may stand in his way of moving up, not sure about Rob Stouder, he has to be playing a bigger role in this scheme than he lets on. Dedicated employees are losing their jobs after more than 20 years of service because they were making too much money and didn't fit in with the "H&P clique"
Its just a matter of time before this company destroys itself because of bad decisions!