Thread regarding Mosaic Co. layoffs

Mosaic - a Good Ole Boy Network

The company was performing just fine with help from Cargil and CF Industries had double the stock prices of Mosaic.

Once Mosaic took over fully all aspects of work took a decline, including the use of their workforce. Unfortunately their is a clear cause of this that the management doesn't want to accept because they know that means they would be next for layoffs; unity between the sites.

Each location acts as its own little company, they need to combine knowledge and resources by cycling their salaried workforce; most of all getting rid of the "good ole boy network".

| 2486 views | | 1 reply (June 16, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+HNLsXgz

1 reply

Mosaic had layoffs last week (6/10/16) at their FishHawk offices. I am not sure how it went at other sites. This included former CF management, contractors that were hoping to be hired full time and some personnel required to take demotions and transfers if they wished to continue with Mosaic.

Post ID: @8rhj+HNLsXgz

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