Thread regarding Mosaic Co. layoffs

Mosaic layoffs, June 2016

Mosaic had layoffs last week (6/10/16) at their FishHawk offices. I am not sure how it went at other sites. This included former CF management, contractors that were hoping to be hired full time and some personnel required to take demotions and transfers if they wished to continue with Mosaic.

| 2768 views | | 3 replies (last September 24, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+HVerznq

3 replies (most recent on top)

ohhhhhhhhh they are hitting it hard and fast....................anyone who is a former CF'er get ready to leave, especially if your 62 or sure won't be appreciated for loyality from mosaic .

Post ID: @1Cqsz+HVerznq

Bartow was affected too beginning 9/12/16

Post ID: @1slil+HVerznq

Mosaic also announced some significant layoffs and restructuring at their Plymouth HQ (also on 6/10)- the total impacted jobs across the company was reported to be 400.

Post ID: @1amg+HVerznq

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