Well looks like Kennametal in Fallon Nevada will be shut down shortly! Meetings today to go over "voluntary" severance packages. Yeah right, if they don't get enough volunteers they will volunteer YOU the common working person for layoff, and most likely will start with their highest paid hourly employees! They let all temp's go a couple of months ago, last month made everyone take 1 week of lay off, this month (July) making everyone take 2 weeks lay off. Way to go Mr. CEO! Trying cutting out all the crap in India and other countries and bring everything back to America! Buy American, puts Americans to work. Also Mr. CEO, try cutting your salary in half instead of taking food out of our mouths and shelter away from us hard working people, who in case you don't realize it Mr. CEO, are only hourly and we help pay your salary! This is the only major employment within our county besides the navy base here, and you will send our already high unemployment rates even higher...Thanks a lot! Maybe once you've chopped everyone down you will be in the unemployment lines with us. Sorry I've put 15 years of my life with this company, just to be treated as a dollar sign figure on your bottom line.
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