Thread regarding Helmerich & Payne Inc. layoffs

I dread going to this place

perhaps you need to advise some of the Managers or Supervisors that fraternizing with non- managerial employees who under them is totally unethical or inappropriate wether off work or during working hours. It compromises their judgement and decisions because they play "favorites". Too many phony and coward managers in this place that turn blind eye on a lot of issues that are being address and only confronts whom they could bully. I don't think that the executives truly know what is going on in this place. There is an employee who expressed her dislikes about one of the executives and the boss laughed with her about it instead of stopping the inappropriate remarks. This is the kind of work environment and culture these people promote its disgusting.

| 3213 views | | 1 reply (July 12, 2016)
Post ID: @OP+Ijkqq0b

1 reply

Or incompetent supervisor(s) that talk about employees behind their backs to other employees. There are some highly unprofessional , condescending , passive aggressive supervisors in this company.

I used to enjoy working with this company and now I dread going in to work.

Post ID: @2aoa+Ijkqq0b

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