Thread regarding ADT Corp. layoffs

Watch out - new COO has a history of reogs and layoffs.

I'm not sure what ADT's history is but the new COO's history is reorg and layoff. And while he tells you he is all about engagement and recognition, he'll sit in his office and plan reorgs that put competent, loyal employees out of jobs. Don't expect to see him. You'll just get the emails.

| 3042 views | | 2 replies (last June 18, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+Jo81fsF

2 replies (most recent on top)

And it's happen. I was employed with protection 1 and now what has happen to me with or while I worked with adt. I was let go from my position no warning worked all day and told me come at 4 pm and was busted handed a check

Post ID: @4smev+Jo81fsF

Its coming

Post ID: @lqk+Jo81fsF

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