Thread regarding Parker Hannifin Corp. layoffs

The plan is to out source IT and stand up a Datacenter at IBM possibly

Can't comment on irvine, but if you are looking for anything in IT at corporate I highly suggest you look elsewhere. The plan is to out source IT and stand up a Datacenter at IBM possibly. In the meantime we are suppose to pretend that the sky isn't falling. It reminds me of the movie Titanic as the ship was sinking the musicians kept playing as the ship went down to give a false sense of security. That's what our VP's are doing to us.

| 2904 views | | 2 replies (last July 24, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+KvXP929

2 replies (most recent on top)

Meanwhile they are increasing bonuses for VPs

Post ID: @3Vqfi+KvXP929

Yet, VPs get better bonuses for betraying their own teams

Post ID: @1Aoby+KvXP929

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