I gave my all to a Loft Outlet store. I sweated my butt off everyday to meet impractical and unnecessary deadlines as a sales lead just to be "terminated."
I'm sad because I never liked the duties of the job but I made the best of it; I befriended and enjoyed my coworkers, I was enthusiastic and helpful towards customers, and I worked diligently for the sake of the store and chiefly, to save money for my college tuition.
It is sad that major corporations, even ones that claim to "put women first," still fail to pay living wages to full-time employees and then opt to insincerely lay-off hundreds of individuals rather than caught costs elsewhere (cough-cough payroll for corporate employees!).
It's sad to live in a country where we as middle class Americans have such limited opportunities that we must forego family dinners and quality time in order to work jobs that don't pay nearly enough and demand far too much. I blame corporate greed for these lay-offs as well as misguided policies that favor the billionaires and exhaust the hard-working, honest middle-class.
I believe we all should be concerned with the unemployment rate in this country, the lack of job growth, and the BIG MONEY running politics. I hope anyone reading this thread recognizes how unjust the suffering of the middle-class is and how unjust the ever-growing wealth/income gap in America is.
Please, if this sparked something in you, please register to vote in the 2016 presidential election and please consider voting for Bernie Sanders, the inspiring senator from Vermont that believes in JOBS and LIVING WAGES for all!!! Visit berniesanders.com for more info!!!!