Thread regarding Parker Hannifin Corp. layoffs

Parker Hannifin Layoffs 2017

Do you think we'll have layoffs in Cleveland.

| 6091 views | | 12 replies (last January 18, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+KvzvxUc

12 replies (most recent on top)

The one in Jefferson ville Indiana claims to be hiring 100 people. As they close the cambelsville ky plant. Supervisor and managers are afraid to make waves regarding issues with employees. My boss at my old company told me I wouldn't like parker, now I know why went to my boss. About issues with a co-worker and has just fell on deaf ears. Trying to find a fax numberfor main office but can't get one

Post ID: @6Npqe+KvzvxUc

Parker in holly springs ms is a disaster wasteful company management has no idea of what there doing lost as they can be and have more meetings than anyone I have ever seen this says they don't have a clue of what there doing except lie they do a great Job!!!! If I was the top share holder I would play under cover boss and go see for my self it's a mess

Post ID: @4Dmih+KvzvxUc

What is happening with Parker? I used to hear good things about that company but it seems to have remade itself into a corporation where no one is safe and has no moral compass. I have friends working there and they are feeling bad about how decisions seem to be made regarding lay offs, etc.

Shame that such a good Cleveland based company took the low road

Post ID: @4aeeg+KvzvxUc

I don't know about Cleveland, but Irvine CA laid off about 25 to 30 people on the 20th of July and more layoffs are rumored this month

Post ID: @42lvx+KvzvxUc

25 layoffs yesterday 7/20 in the FSD division. Several were very close to retirement age. Managers claim they were not involved in choosing which employees in their departments would be cut. They were notified the night before by one-level above them.

Post ID: @3Sqbe+KvzvxUc

I would imagine not in Cleveland but probably all around everywhere else. The present executive management team located in Cleveland only values itself and make decisions completely related to lining their own pockets. If it comes between them and money, they will always chose them. AMazing that for so many years that team will talk about and try to persuade investors and employees alike that they value the employees more than all other assets, but reality is they value only themselves. If anyone looked deeper than a stock price they would see. Guys like A.D. Ross are the biggest windbags walking....never done anything for themselves other than playing politics to get the dollar. THe management team is chocked full of morally corrupt people with no honor.

Post ID: @3tuyf+KvzvxUc

Modesto California filtration jobs will be eliminated as lines are moved to newly acquired Clarcor facilities in low cost Kearney Nebraska. CA Liberalism kills more manufacturing jobs.

Post ID: @2niro+KvzvxUc

It happened 2/27/17 in Parker Aerospace Gas Turbine Fuel Systems

Post ID: @2cuuq+KvzvxUc

Yes, ALL accounting AP and AR In NA (Canada, US and Mexico) will be laid off as all jobs are being outsourced overseas, mostly likely India and The Phillipines.

Poor Art Parker must be rolling in his grave.

Post ID: @1Bvzm+KvzvxUc

According I Understand there will be more layoffs is far as Accounting depts.,Accounts payable etc not just in Parker Hannifin in Mayfield heights ohio but many other divisions in north united States and there is going to be jobs will shipped overseas

Post ID: @Psyq+KvzvxUc


Post ID: @Ggfb+KvzvxUc


Post ID: @jki+KvzvxUc

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