Thread regarding Hanesbrands Inc. layoffs

Yep it's true layoffs coming soon.

There's gonna be huge layoffs by end of first quarter. They are completely dissolving an entirr division. The majority of the people in that division have been with the company for the majority of their working life and are stubborn and set in their ways. It's time for them to retire anyway. I heard it would be around 300 people getting laid off.

| 7041 views | | 12 replies (last April 3, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+LzDL7lJ

12 replies (most recent on top)

Around 150 went in the voluntary separation offered in Q1. Not as many as needed so yesterday (4/26) they laid off 75 at HQ.

Post ID: @1rqua+LzDL7lJ

I have been at HBO for almost 34 years and make 10.97 per hour

Post ID: @vxgc+LzDL7lJ

What store are you talking about I thought this thread was about hanesbrands

Post ID: @ccbr+LzDL7lJ

It's already started. Got let go 2/7. Only have been with the company 3 years. Not close to retirement so anyone is at risk. Especially if you have sister stores close to you. They are having managers manage two stores.

Post ID: @cvwp+LzDL7lJ

What departments are being targeted for lay-offs? Oak Summit only? I work in IT. Would that be cut?

Post ID: @bxpx+LzDL7lJ

The company held an internal meeting earlier this week and confirmed their intent to lay-off approximately 380 people over the coming weeks. To ease the process and transition, the company requested that those nearing retirement age voluntarily agree to be laid-off. Additionally, it has not yet been confirmed if this number of people is to increase or remain the same in the coming days. Because mass retailers are closing stores, it can be safely assumed that this will not be the only staff-cut Hanes will see this year.

Will update as I hear more.

Post ID: @bges+LzDL7lJ

Lay offs are occurring today! MANY PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY BEEN FIRED

Post ID: @akck+LzDL7lJ

Don't worry you will be that old person one day that gives most of you working life just to be booted out the door to make room for some young person!!

Post ID: @abdh+LzDL7lJ

What division? I have also heard this but don't know what area.

Post ID: @7nox+LzDL7lJ

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