The guy is a putz. "Technology--I don't touch the stuff!" And then there's the constant repetition of his Cortés story, "burn the boats!" Oh, you mean the guy who committed heinous crimes against the indigenous people of Central America as he cut a swath through Mexico? Blake is culturally tone deaf. He couldn't destroy a company more thoroughly if he tried. But it won't be his problem--he'll retire from the charred remains of WWW in a few years, sooner if he gets the blame for the two toxic waste dumps from the former tannery in Rockford, his millions intact.
6 replies (most recent on top)
Very reliable. Interesting the stock beat its 52 week high without any press of the lay offs this week. Big lay offs with big exit packages. No reports and soaring stock price.
Very reliable. Interesting the stock beat its 52 week high without any press of the lay offs this week. Big lay offs with big exit packages. No reports and soaring stock price.
Is anyone actually surprised by this quote? If you have ever listened Blake's "speeches" they are always exactly the same with the same terminology used over and over. Listen to an earnings call, he has no clue what he's talking about when analysts ask questions and is usually cutoff by the CFO (both current and former CFOs have had to do this) before he can say something stupid or divulge information that should be kept internally. This is the result of allowing a non-founding CEO be chairman of the board. They fill the board with their friends and then they'll never get fired.
It's just downright painful to go to work these days. The waiting is really dragging everybody down. Any so called efficiency is more than shot now. Nobody's smiling, nobody's enthused, nobody cares, nobody knows if they will have a job tomorrow. Very depressing. Just get it over with, would you please? I think I'll call in sick tomorrow.
How reliable is this info?