Thread regarding Arris Group Inc. layoffs

Arris San Diego - layoffs, be prepared

SITE is being hit by cuts, 3 weeks ago five guys were done (SW group Cablemodem), next is Video products, in particular a division known as IRD, these products have been in the market for ten or more years with zero innovation, rumor said that Picard won't be able to save them

| 6815 views | | 9 replies (last August 24, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+O5y7TDR

9 replies (most recent on top)

Can you please remove my post ID @05Y7TDR-6EMUQ


Post ID: @6Jush+O5y7TDR

I just got laid off on july 31st 2018. Most technical long time hard working people got chopped. Yet my director who manages 1 engineer and the cable manager who manages 2 people are still there. I think after 24 years woking my butt off to save my manager's problems that's how I get rewarded.

I say ARRIS day in CA in coming to a halt. and all those directors and managers will get their punishment from above including ARRIS.

Post ID: @6emuq+O5y7TDR

Wonder if Horsham got hit again... But then, nothing left to cut there - other than managers of course. - wont happen

Post ID: @Jeep+O5y7TDR

Lowell got big hit on Monday (4 days after ) Bruce's visit (Thursday before)

Hope you guys stay good!

Post ID: @Ieng+O5y7TDR

Today 2Q results announced.. Revenue down again compared 2Q 2016 and first half of 2016.. Yet no managers will ever get laid off... Nothing ever happens to the secure managers..

Post ID: @vmol+O5y7TDR

Site is like an empty town every Friday, most managers work from home now but they still keep their offices, weird.

Post ID: @uekk+O5y7TDR

Sometimes there are 2 managers for every 1 person!!! No manager ever gets laid off; only technical folk.. A great arrangement by old boys network in Horsham.

Post ID: @dfac+O5y7TDR

I have more managers in my group compared to engineers. They try hard to find some work so they can show they are working.

Post ID: @bzen+O5y7TDR

I dont think it has anything to do with innovation.. People who have done a lot of patents etc have been laid off. Arris is sinking with lousy management and a CEO who has no clue. All they do is keep their jobs with their old-boys network, and lay off the others.

Post ID: @6wax+O5y7TDR

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