Thread regarding GoDaddy Inc. layoffs

No warning

Got to work and was told 3ed shift having layoff unless you have been there at least 2 years. Third shift covers Go Daddy clients in Europe and they have opened up call centers over there. All Go Daddy cares about is sales numbers even if you're not in sales dept. They sell their customers services that they can't even use or don't need and they also auto bill for several years at a time without notice to the customer. Customer service employees are forced to sell crazy sales quotas every day over $500 a day and you're supposed to be in customer service not sales.

| 2363 views | | 3 replies (last February 9, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+OL7vuOT

3 replies (most recent on top)

Sounds like it was good you left. Sound like a bad employee

Post ID: @wlguv+OL7vuOT

Sales there is a grind and you have to sell tons of add on to make money since it's all low cost sales.

But I don't see complaining about no notice before a layoff. While often rumors float no company is going to say just a heads up you are getting laid off on the 25th.

Especially in sales. It's like having a sales person work out notice period makes no sense.

Don't get me wrong the daddy still blows..

Post ID: @wdzuv+OL7vuOT

It's all about sales. When I was there, I found a way to hang up on people and not get caught.

Post ID: @3Zjvw+OL7vuOT

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