Thread regarding Ericsson layoffs

Constant Layoffs at Ericsson (2017 and before)

Every year Ericsson has a layoff where we cut about 10% of the total workforce - that tells you something about the state of the company. It was not always like this but last few years have been brutal as it relates to layoffs. 2017 will be even worse. Sometime if we don't make good profit we'll have layoffs two times a year.

In addition to this, it's getting worse here as it relates to office politics - Ericsson has always been bad when it comes to politics but I have a feeling that it's much worse now if compared to 9 years ago when I joined. In short, our management does not care about the employees well being, they want to make huge profits and it's all about numbers... For example, this year we'll have a massive cut - some are even predicting that about 20% of the total workforce can be laid off - I think we have about 100K employees, so go figure - Ericsson will be laying off about 20,000 people this year - that's horrific...

If you are looking to start your career here think twice (or maybe three times). I saw lot of new grads hired and getting laid off just a year or two with Ericsson. The big E is definitely not a company where you can build your career with. If you really want to work here then just start, get some experience and leave as soon as something better comes your way!

| 5435 views | | 7 replies (last September 15, 2018)

7 replies (most recent on top)

Constant monthly (or every other month) layoffs for Nokia USA as well.

Post ID: @6mivn+OO4XFJK

Right, but @5vpj - you have to agree that folks here travel more than your typical Fortune 500 businessmen

Post ID: @5eoo+OO4XFJK

Not sure what to tell you here - yes, some folks travel excessively but at the same time it's more or less always justified by the business need. This is a problem for all large and geographically distributed companies.

Post ID: @5vpj+OO4XFJK

Heh, the best travel agency in the world? I have noticed that some (managers) travels every week even the don't need to..

Post ID: @1xzt+OO4XFJK

It's not all that bad with Ericsson - the company allowed me to travel and see the world - I've visited over 10 countries now - generally customers like us and people who work here are very talented... yet, your notes on layoffs are accurate - some groups get hammered more than others and production keeps shifting as costs shift from country to country. Also, a lot of things are getting automated so cuts will continue.

Post ID: @izg+OO4XFJK

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