Thread regarding GE Energy Connections layoffs

End of Q3 layoffs at legacy offices

Management made the announcement in July that this legacy-Alstom office would close at the end if the third quarter. Most were given the opportunity to relocate but that wasn't really an option and GE knew it. A very few were told that they could work from home but in the backs of their minds they feel that the handwriting is on the wall for them as well. We had projects to keep our people busy going into 2018 but guess what, that didn't matter and the work has now been divided between two "legacy-GE" offices. To the victors go the spoils of war...

Posted by @Oa4y0p6-Gyxe.

| 3392 views | | 2 replies (last November 19, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+OSumJZD

2 replies (most recent on top)

Does that mean the corp office will be located in Atlanta only. That hasn't been announced has it?

Post ID: @uwvo+OSumJZD

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