Thread regarding Parker Hannifin Corp. layoffs


I worked there before for quite a while. The new crew of managers is very weak. You know the "team players", "the pro-active good attitude type", "the have a nice day, then secretly betray you and retaliate type". In other words the typical MBAs who have in-sourced and out-sourced American jobs out of existence. Well, have a nice day Parker. Good luck

| 2632 views | | 1 reply (December 14, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+OXYVwyT

1 reply

I totally get that!! Poor management has led to a loss of major customers and thus, low sales. And who pays for these bad decisions? the little guy living paycheck to paycheck! Glad I'm out!

Post ID: @7Fkvn+OXYVwyT

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