Thread regarding Parker Hannifin Corp. layoffs

July layoffs at Parker Hannifin

25 layoffs yesterday 7/20 in the FSD division. Several were very close to retirement age. Managers claim they were not involved in choosing which employees in their departments would be cut. They were notified the night before by one-level above them.

OP @KvzvxUc-3Sqbe.

| 7041 views | | 6 replies (last May 19, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+Oq2uUyr

6 replies (most recent on top)

There have been numerous layoffs at Parker Hannifin Control Systems Division (CSD) in Irvine, CA. over the past 3 years. After each layoff management holds an all hands meeting telling employees that the division is doing better. Revolving door senior management and long-term managers who have no idea how to develop electronics and software products. Their only solution is to make employees work extensive overtime for free.

Post ID: @4Pcda+Oq2uUyr

Managers claimed they had nothing to do with selecting the 25 who were layoffs. Really! I worked there at one time. Every time there is a potential layoff first line managers were asked to put together totem poles of all their people. It is very hard to go through layoffs for both management and the employees, the least a manager can do is be honest about it. Any manager that does not take responsibility should be fired!

Post ID: @1qdqi+Oq2uUyr

Lay off the old who built the company and bring in new, cheap blood. It is total greed amongst the top level.

Post ID: @fmre+Oq2uUyr

As far as I know the 25 jobs lost were within the FSD division sites. Other division s have had and will have layoffs. There's no employee loyalty at all unless you are in the buddy, buddy system. Very, very sad that corp. America has come to this extreme method to feed their greed!!

Post ID: @3job+Oq2uUyr

Is this at headquarters or across the division (6 sites?)

Post ID: @2plh+Oq2uUyr

Yes, parker execs. make tons of money while they ship jobs to mexico and China, among others. All about the money, no longer do they care about customers or products and quality. It's all talk.

Post ID: @2nyj+Oq2uUyr

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