Thread regarding Direct Energy layoffs

108 to go at Direct Energy

Layoffs are incoming at Direct Energy... They announced 108 folks will be let go, most or all of them from Maryland... Stay prepared, the cuts are coming in September...

| 3517 views | | 3 replies (last October 20, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+OsKHnY6

3 replies (most recent on top)

Centrica / Direct Energy is bleeding money. They sold the Brits a bill of goods here in the US. Terrible management unless you want to lose a Billion $. Mass layoff across the US in 2018. The "new" Centrica Business Solutions is just a rehash of Direct Energy solar. They have nothing to offer except maybe a service arm? I look for them to divest of the US business shortly. And the Centrica share price will continue to tank as Ian Conn(man) hires his BP cronies to protect him. What a joke.

Post ID: @7hwjq+OsKHnY6

I have intel from reliable sources above me that Houston will have lay offs too in 2018

Post ID: @3idp+OsKHnY6

Good luck all!

Post ID: @aut+OsKHnY6

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