Thread regarding Parker Hannifin Corp. layoffs

Parker Hannifin Oxnard not a place to work

Lay offs pending and change of CEO's will give you high blood pressure if you work at the Oxnard Plant They truly do not how to run a company. They purchased Dominic Hunter several years ago, and then started once again laying off people. The production department is all temp workers so they don't have to pay full time. They don't care about the work they do and or the employees.

They have had Managers there that are just rude and don't care.

Do not work for this company it is not worth the time.

| 2592 views | | 1 reply (August 1, 2017)
Post ID: @OP+OwkKMOo

1 reply

Sorry to hear Parker Oxnard is going down. However I'm not surprised. I worked there before for quite a while. The new crew of managers is very weak. You know the "team players", "the pro-active good attitude type", "the have a nice day, then secretly betray you and retaliate type". In other words the typical MBAs who have in-sourced and out-sourced American jobs out of existence. Well, have a nice day Parker. Good luck

Post ID: @2kob+OwkKMOo

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