Thread regarding Adobe Systems Inc. layoffs

Adobe Systems Layoffs 2018

I spent last 10 years with our company and it'd be a real shame if they were to decide to lay people off from our offices in San Jose.

| 5721 views | | 5 replies (last February 23, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+PLGZQ4t

5 replies (most recent on top)

layoffs are definitely on the chart specially in Marketing Cloud BU. PgM and QE have their jobs risky in 2018.

Post ID: @27rgp+PLGZQ4t

Hahahaha, you think CEO belongs to a different ethnicity?

He has surrounded himself with only white "yes-people" and Indians like himself.

Good leaders were forced out many years ago

During layoffs, STL, Austin, SF, SJ and Lehi locations are mostly impacted. Same is ecpected next month. Expect 4% hit

Post ID: @Njvk+PLGZQ4t
  • Tribal mentality for hiring, retaining & promoting. Preferential treatment for upper-caste Indians.

  • Illegal questions during interviews aimed at identifying ethnic background

  • Upper caste Indians are privileged in India and discriminate against others in India and US

  • Asians, Whites, Latinos, Blacks and other ordinary Indians are made to feel uncomfortable

  • Indians prefer only to speak their own language even during meetings

  • Self-promoting HR EVP and thus uncaring HR department

  • Mentality in San Jose office is worse than Bengaluru

CEO needs to hire a caring EVP of HR. Donna, besides supporting women only initiatives, is too comfy doing nothing to rock the boat. All discrimination against upper-caste Indians in positions of power are suppressed and ignored

Post ID: @Nyby+PLGZQ4t

@PLGZQ4t You must be living in a cocoon. ADBE has been regularly laying off dozens of top performers in SJC office. Just ask Acrobat folks. Sikhs, christians. lower class hindus and moslems are screwed in India. Whites, jews, asians, hispanics and blacks in the US are regulalry given the shaft during hiring and promotions. VP of Acrobat has saved his job by quietly following instructions.

Zamindari system reminiscent of tamil bahmins and other upper class hindus is at its ascendance all over valley. Just take a stroll in almaden tower, bahmin directors and VPs have been hiring crafty and corrupt bahmins-only contrators in Almaden tower, Bengaluru and Noida.

Fortunately for some, ADBE does take special care to hire & retain black and asian women in admin and junior-management roles. Indian-only management at ADBE gets to check 2 diversity boxes with one underpaid person.

I am surprised how women VPs of HR at MNCs are oblivious to glaring prejudice if it is not gender based. Like VP of HR at ADBE, Google's People VP is another perfect example of someone who is ignoring blatant prejudices during hiring and firings.

Post ID: @sjhq+PLGZQ4t

Are there rumors of pending layoffs? I work in one of the satellite offices and haven’t heard anything, but my manager and her manager above and such are having lots of meetings, which has definitely gotten my attention.

Post ID: @1gig+PLGZQ4t

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