Thread regarding Cornerstone OnDemand Inc. layoffs

Cornerstone laid-off 40% of its sales team and plans on firing more

The HR tech company Cornerstone OnDemand announced today, December 6th 2017, that it has laid off a gigantic 40% of its sales team. "This came out of nowhere" said an anonymous source on their sales team. "I've hit the highest revenue in my department, and still wasn't safe." It's sad to say the company has not made it a safe and secure place for its workers.

| 9095 views | | 7 replies (last January 19, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+QBghhlJ

7 replies (most recent on top)

Here we go again. 2023 layoffs just began. Himanshu building more teams in India to cut costs.

Post ID: @uapnb+QBghhlJ

Jan.2, 2020- layoffs just happened again, out of the blue. Major revamp of sales team. Not sure how many effected, might be close to 25 people from sales.

Post ID: @cglbi+QBghhlJ

Cornerstone OnDemand CMO (chief marketing officer) Adrianna Burrows no longer with a company. Such a small growth YOY did not help her keep her career going. She only lasted one year with a company, who is to blame? Her incompetence with such a large organization or rest of the C suite not understanding where she wanted to take marketing and company. Your guess as good as mine, but I would bet on her incompetence.

Post ID: @8sxul+QBghhlJ

According to CSOD VP of Talent in a recent response to a review on Glass Door, the majority of those affected will remain with the company for 3 months. Really - how many is that or is that for those in Santa Monica? I know of no remote former employees who were given more than week notice. No more layoffs ??? And investors and others should trust this statement? I have been in the technology industry for a long time & have experience with significantly reducing headcount as a manager being asked to cut. I can say this was handled poorly and without concern for employees or their families. This took planning and likely known by department leaders for many weeks and maybe months. I’ve had to lay off team members on a large scale twice. Both times, I had a private discussion with those I knew i would have to let go as far in advance of the actual announcement and pink slips as possible. Speaks volumes about CSOD management at all levels. (Heartless, self absorbed, compassionless, total lack of concern for fellow employees??? Or is it incompetence? Your call, but it does make one wonder what else is behind the curtains being mismanaged. Mismanaging employees when you sell software to help develop, retain pay employees. I purposely left out Attract new talent - building good teams takes trust. Good luck with that)

Post ID: @2svh+QBghhlJ

The information in the original post is inaccurate. As stated in the press release, our total workforce reduction amounts to 6% globally. The full press release can be found here: This is the company’s first and only workforce reduction. We currently do not anticipate any additional workforce reductions.

Post ID: @1jrl+QBghhlJ

I was specifically told there would be no additional layoffs by senior management. What's the source on there being more?

Post ID: @lgg+QBghhlJ

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