As FY18 began (on Monday December 4th, 2017), I was told that my position had been eliminated from Adobe's Digital Media division, as part of a Reduction in Force (RIF) exercise. There were 3 out of 15 people who were affected (including myself) from our immediate team. As part of the RIF, we are employees through Friday Feb 2nd, 2018, but not expected to do any work. Then we will officially be terminated. At that time, I've been told that I will receive 3 months of paid severance (not bad since I've only been with the company for a little over 2 years). Anyhow, I have not seen any mention of this RIF as of yet which seems a little suspect.
3 replies (most recent on top)
For the person who was laid-off, truly sorry and hope you found something quickly.
Did they best any stock you got as a result of a sign-on bonus?
Adobe is hiring big time in Noida and Bangalore. Vote for Donald Trump.
The drums are beating in my department, too. I was asked about an employee who is struggling and it was obvious what was being asked. The person is a hard worker and has made some mistakes but so haven't some of their peers; I feel guidance and a little more training (not a layoff) would steer them in the right direction.
That being said, I know my team is probably going to hit - what will stink is if I'm one of those people, I have my stock, which were part of my sign-on bonus, vest in March. So, I'm laid-off via the same terms as you, I will lose a considerable amount of money.