Not sure why no posts here - all other companies have discussions.
I guess here we have a situation where our folks are always silent.
Not sure why no posts here - all other companies have discussions.
I guess here we have a situation where our folks are always silent.
Essendant is a c-ap company. Has been a c-ap company with incompetent people (Deerfield) for years now. It just more apparent now ... Hope Staples fires them all !
R.I.P. Essendant. Ineffective management at the corporate level is the primary reason for the downfall of Essendant.
Thanks for the info.
They have already been layoffs but they haven't officially called them layoffs. If you look deeply enough anyone who's been with essendant more than 7 to 10 years is no longer with the company basically. They've been offered packages secretly and have found other positions elsewhere. If essendant announces they're having layoffs it will send a message to the marketplace / Wall Street insinuating the notion of essendant having additional bad Financial Health health which is preposterous because the balance sheet already shows the financial struggles essendant is going through. I'm not a financial analyst but I can say this.. essendant biggest struggles are
Misguided leadership
Uncommitted customer base
Reaction time to market trends
Being one of the largest players in a dying industry. Essendant has no more room to grow in the office supply industry which was foundation it was based now it's time to contract/step aside and let Amazon and independent reseller buy directly from the manufacturers...
i think the reason there are few comments due to the majority of employees are teenagers more accustomed to using their phones to text each other rather than using it to research company info and respond or submit comments concerning the state of their employment.
i work in albany facility....conditions not good. salaries frozen, they say until july.....dont believe them. certain dept getting more work than ever in the form of dock transfers and coffee orders. other dept getting done with work 2 hours early every nite! some of our personnel going to cleveland this week to help with consolidating facilities there. certainly there will be layoffs to follow. just got done reading an article that they leased a brand new facility near bakersfield ca. so why are they delaying our annual salary increases when they are spending money to lease a new warehouse? well.....double standards are the rule of the day in this organization. they also just released press statement that first qtr sales profit will be lower than expectations. i predict an extention of salary freezes will be announced in mid-june.
Essendant will be going through a restructure in Q1 2018 laying off a large portion of the population in Deerfield.
Essendant's Raleigh, NC facility will be closing April 1st.
Sales plummeting, stock price plummeting, 2017 4th. quarter loss.
Essendant is a sinking ship.