Thread regarding Centrica layoffs

Huge layoffs at Centrica, 4,000 people to be cut

Everybody knew layoffs were coming after Centrica posted 17 percent drop in profits, but to hear the number is still rather shocking. Four thousand people will lose their jobs in this and following two years.

Hopefully, at least some of them will be given a chance at one of the new jobs Centrica is promising to create in the same period (some 1,000.)

Good luck all, tough times are ahead.

| 1765 views | | 2 replies (last April 8, 2019)

2 replies (most recent on top)

this is not fake news. It was all over the internet and Centrica announced it

Post ID: @6Avvl+RTHAJVF

Is this fake news? Cannot find any articles on this...

Post ID: @2xws+RTHAJVF

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