Thread regarding Hess Corp. layoffs

Has it started?

Anybody knows if the layoffs have started? Any Hess Houston employees here who can give us an update?

I've been on the edge this whole week, and I'm not even in Houston. I can only imagine how people there are feeling right now as the week gets closer to the end.

Anyhow, and info would be appreciated.

| 4137 views | | 6 replies (last January 20, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+RifX3TK

6 replies (most recent on top)

The people who received packages yesterday and today, in my view, are the lucky ones. Everyone else "lucky enough to stay" are in a situation where all the senior management is still in place but there are few people to do the actual work. It will be a stressful situation and if you are smart you will jump ship ASAP!

Post ID: @2zaj+RifX3TK

I was downsized yesterday. Looking at the paperwork given to us, the experienced people are being shown the door.

Post ID: @1pin+RifX3TK

Finance & accounting to learn their fate today. Hoping for the best for all of my friends.

Post ID: @1xox+RifX3TK

My sister works for Hess. She will find out today if she lost her job. I have been praying for her.

Post ID: @1wwm+RifX3TK

Yes. And they will continue into tomorrow.

Post ID: @kfq+RifX3TK

Yes they have, a couple of longtime coworkers have already been let go.

Post ID: @idv+RifX3TK

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