Thread regarding Chicago Bridge & Iron layoffs

More Layoffs Coming

CB&I is broke, how broke?

They signed a office lease on the bad side of town but is was cheap. Employees cars are getting broke into and people are being robbed. Yet their executives are in the Woodlands, out of harms way.

They cannot even afford to buy coffee cups for their employees in the Westchase office.

When they ordered cubicles they could only afford half walls,

If you walk into their office, it is like walking into a foreign country. They cannot afford to hire and keep skilled employees. They wrote a document (CMS) and thought they could give it to anyone and say do your work.

The bottom line, CB&I is so broke that they can not even pay attention. Yes, there is more layoffs coming. You reap what you sow. CB&I - Cheap Bastar** & India

| 3721 views | | 9 replies (last April 18, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+SJLdBPd

9 replies (most recent on top)

It is because morons are in charge.

Post ID: @1odh+SJLdBPd

I never understood the musical chairs either. Departmental moves every couple months. STUPID!!!

Post ID: @1uxa+SJLdBPd

I completely agree with the muaical chairs comment. Texas is a right to work state. If they aren't pullimg their own get rid of them and find someone who will.

Post ID: @ulg+SJLdBPd

Baby sitting and musical chairs are for kids! Grow up CB&I. Hire some adults that know how to do something. Good thing you have technology.

Post ID: @tbk+SJLdBPd

They do buy our styrofoam cups in the woodlands, even plates and plastic cutlery. Even though every floor has a dishwashing machine I figure they keep it plastic so we don’t turn on each other or Management with the butter knives. We waste enough styrofoam to choke an elephant on a daily basis. I wish those murderous geese would choke on all that styrofoam instead.

I tried to stab one of those geese with a plastic fork but it just snapped like a twig. I ran as fast as I could into the executive lounge to hide from it. Luckily there was some wine left over from a recent smooze fest to calm my nerves. We have real glasses for wine in there, I would not be caught dead drinking it out of styrofoam.

Good Idea moving to India, I could live like a king on my salary. At least CMS requires me to travel business class for international trips. I just wish they would change up the movie selections on the plane a bit more. And those fully reclining bed seats are nice unless the person next to you snores.

I forgot what we were complaining about again?

Post ID: @iep+SJLdBPd

"CB&I is broke, how broke?"

I am not sure if Westchase is cheap. This a Class A office space. CB&I made that decision in the peak of project activities to move people from RW, RD, and OP to WC. However, that plan did not materialize since our projects went down.

Now about cups and short partitions. This building is a GBC/LEED certified building. In case you have not noticed, there are no trash bins in our offices either. That is all part of the GBC/LEED requierments. Also, utilization of daylight is part of the requirements. You may be able to guess why we have less water thirsty plants instead of just grass around the building.

While I share your frustration that we are here today thanks to corrupt management, everything we see around can't be attributed to the corrupt management. Nevertheless, by now, we should know that our days are numbered with CB&I.

Post ID: @xzj+SJLdBPd

Who is watching you? Oh you are management, you are better than everyone else. Brethren El Cheapo

Post ID: @epa+SJLdBPd

Hey CB&I you can spin it anyway you want. The bottom line is you are cheap and care less about your employees.

If cups are so cheap, why doesn't the company supply them? I bet they bought yours.

If you have to watch your employees, why hire employees like that to begin with. The only reason there are posting is because CB&I knows how to piss people off. Employees and customers.

Hey dude why don't you move to India. We would be a lot better off. Move over and let someone who knows how to run a business take over, cheapo. You have to spend money to make money. Guess you never heard that before.

Post ID: @rqy+SJLdBPd

Dude go buy you own coffee cup they are maybe a few bucks. Don’t hear you complaining about the free community brand coffee. The half cubes are so we can keep an eye on you to catch you posting on message boards instead of trying to outwork your Indian brethren.

If you were safe and sound with us in the woodlands enjoying the tranquil views over the lake you would be on here whining about the long commute. It is horrible up here in the woodlands. Buzzards are circling the building. you almost get run over by woodlands soccer moms in yoga pants on the running path when walking to a nearby place for lunch.

And man the traffic on the lake around 4 o’clock is horrible. All thos damn rowing club members just take the lake over and I can’t even kayak on my breaks. Plus I almost get mugged by the damn geese that hang out by the gym windows every time I go outside.

And the gym is so outdated, who uses banded exercise machines anymore. Ever since they let go of the staff personal trainer, I have to go to you tube for workouts.....YouTube....can you believe that? And don’t get me started on the placement of the TVs in relation to the treadmills, what kind of idiot puts them off to the side? I almost fall off when I run trying to watch TV, it is that or stare at that stupid lake and those geese giving me the evil eye. I mean I know it is a reflective window but I swear they can see me in there.

It is brutal up here in the woodlands.

Post ID: @tae+SJLdBPd

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