Thread regarding Dish Network layoffs

No more meeting expectations

Agent getting the q1 appraisals are being told it is no longer acceptable to meet expectaions that dish only wants to keep the best well i think by q2 there will be another cleaning house. I know some employees are looking for work else where and who can blame them its real hard to trust a company that has so many secrets and is not honest with their employees.

| 2239 views | | 3 replies (last July 28, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+SYHC8qm

3 replies (most recent on top)

Dish let 10 of us tenured agents (5-10 years) from Broadband go back in February, all within a week due to "not meeting expectations." i was told weekly in my one on ones that i was doing great, and they didn't know what else I could do to improve. Management had me covering teams acting as a "coach", yet a week later, I'm pulled in and fired for not meeting expectations. Thank God i printed all of my QPA's and 1on 1's because they tried to appeal my unemployment and I submitted that as proof I was hitting expectations, even above. I was just number 2 in the enterprise the period before. Dish only cares about money. Cut great employees to cut down cost, and just rehire new ones at half the wage. Duck Fish!

Post ID: @7innj+SYHC8qm

Amen and Amen

They mislead you, lie to you, treat you like you’re not as good as them. Upper management and lower management will walk right by you and never acknowledge you . They watch you on cameras constantly like they afraid you might stop working long enough to get a drink of water. It’s like a prison, or worse.

Post ID: @4kikn+SYHC8qm

Company is only going to Work at Home for a few in US and will be hiring more people in Philippines it’s so much cheaper for them

Post ID: @Dkbb+SYHC8qm

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