Thread regarding Adobe Systems Inc. layoffs

US Staff reduction - IT

With the new CTO, having brought in teams of his people including a new CIO, with the CIO filling in management positions with inadequately experienced people - there has been advertising of pay equity in India. The reality is that the IT Management team is actively building up India staff with the full on purpose of reducing US staff - likely to help justify pay equity. Some of the people targeted were recently provided with RSU's to keep them with the company for years to come - with the primary purpose of keeping them around to get the India staff prepared. Others had recent pay increases to keep them for major projects, until they reached completion. Several have been with the company for over 10 years and in their 50's. Adobe revenue per employee has gone from 492K last year to 615K in March 2018.

What is needed in IT is management that is fair and not nepotistic like the Director of Cloud & Engineering Platform Services.

| 3202 views | | 1 reply (March 31, 2018)
Post ID: @OP+SrOnNcS

1 reply

+1 Would be interesting to see employee revenue per year vs Adobe's revenue per employee.

Post ID: @1ktt+SrOnNcS

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