Thread regarding Inphi Corp. layoffs

This is happening all over

What a strange company Inphi is. They laid off perfectly good engineers in a booming economy. I literally know of no other company that is laying off engineering talent.

Every single tech company is doing this. Replacing good and knowledgeable engineers who are older and have more years with the company under their belts and replacing them with much cheaper millennials with no experience.

Makes no sense to me, but I guess immediate savings beat any long-term thinking on the effects of such moves.

| 2342 views | | 1 reply (May 2, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+TYb1iTB

1 reply

There are few millenials at Inphi. Millenials don't even go into electrical engineering much less analog or optical engineering. Inphi looks for MS and PhD students who are highly specialized and mostly H1B. These types of highly specialized employees on H1 are less likely to be deported and make for cheap and great long term bonded labor. Inphi isnt the type of company that millenials even know about. Just walk around the Santa Clara office and you will see.

Post ID: @4Tbmh+TYb1iTB

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