Thread regarding Direct Energy layoffs

Centrica / Direct Energy is bleeding money

They sold the Brits a bill of goods here in the US. Terrible management unless you want to lose a Billion $. Mass layoff across the US in 2018. The "new" Centrica Business Solutions is just a rehash of Direct Energy solar. They have nothing to offer except maybe a service arm? I look for them to divest of the US business shortly. And the Centrica share price will continue to tank as Ian Conn(man) hires his BP cronies to protect him. What a joke.

Bumped from @OsKHnY6-7hwjq for info.

| 2281 views | | 2 replies (last May 22, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+VLuveL0

2 replies (most recent on top)

i guess if you are good at your job, you don't care, you can find job somewhere else

Post ID: @9kmpf+VLuveL0

Direct Energy is a joke and is going downhill. They have lost their franchise services and are constantly closing offices. DE will be shut down soon - it's just a matter of time.

Mgrs have no morals.

Post ID: @2Dqnw+VLuveL0

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