Thread regarding Parker Hannifin Corp. layoffs

Parker Hannifin Layoffs 2019

This is a master thread about Parker Hannifin Layoffs in 2019?

| 3673 views | | 3 replies (last January 21, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+VTyBeys

3 replies (most recent on top)

They keep the trouble makers and layoff the good people. If you have a problem with a person that stocks you everyday and does stuff to you they don’t care .. you can go to H.R. and they don’t take care of the problem. They Ignore what’s going . The supervisors are just as bad. I would never go back to this place. Good luck.

Post ID: @7eire+VTyBeys

I worked there for almost 19 years when I was laid off. I got 6 months severance package along with insurance. I found another job before that was gone. Was also offered my job back later, but I've done much better elsewhere. Good luck to you. Hint I left Utah for work.

Post ID: @69xxs+VTyBeys

Been working at Parker over 20 year and got layoffs. Only got my vacation pay and a hand shake. Good place to work for but if work slows down in your department they have no problem walking you out!!!When the main HR person visits your shop when work is slow, get ready for it.

Post ID: @5ewhr+VTyBeys

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