Thread regarding Adtalem layoffs

Some things never change

TEACH summit in Puerto Rico. I remember when these were called PRIDE. Some things change, some things don't divesting from DVU and Carrington certainly make these easier to justify. Great parties for sure.

| 1729 views | | 3 replies (last April 10, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+WFf1g9g

3 replies (most recent on top)

Dude these were off the hook. PR was a blast. Miami rocked. Vegas was good.

Cash, hotels, banquet, booze, trophy, jewelry, other premiums. Definitely worth striving for...

Post ID: @1Qlfe+WFf1g9g

Like Roman orgies among admissions staff from across the country, all paid for courtesy of the school.

Post ID: @1Mces+WFf1g9g

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