Despite the increased global competition, October 2017 and the PR mishandling, MGM had a good year. An announcement of a pending layoff came as a surprise to many, but not to stock analysts who were quick to point out that a profitable company announces growth. Not layoffs.
A layoff announcement to "boost cash flow" and "boost earnings", at this time, is an attempt to entice shareholders from selling and to buy more. Layoffs always sound bad, but if it's a means to make the math more appealing to shareholders, most employees will hardly notice.
Those looking for line level employment in an essential department at an MGM property should still apply. If the position is essential for maintaining a high level guest experience or safety, MGM is still hiring. If you're currently in a position that can be consolidated or outsourced, your position is most at jeopardy. You should be presenting your worth to your company at all times, but especially now.
If you're in a union or a line level employee in an essential department your position will remain largely unaffected. An essential department would be considered the requirements like: security, and housekeeping. If you're management or a supervisor in those departments, your paycheck may change, but not your position. To appeal to the math, some hourly supervisors will convert to salaried employees.
Some growth positions may not be filled. Assume that a budget allowed for new hires in 2019. If those positions are not filled, those salaries can be removed from the budget and they can be accounted as savings. Positions lost through: firing, resignation, retirement, or death will not be filled, which can also be accounted as savings.
Over the next few months, rumors will spread without factual basis and by those who have no idea how shareholder strategy works. If you keep it in mind that this is a plan to appeal to shareholders who invest strictly by the math, it's not as scary as your coworker who can't complete long division tells you it is.
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Great post @WWkp0gd-1ywp .