I hear rumor that Apopka is closing end of year. Any layoffs today?
20 replies (most recent on top)
Rumor has it that dan Byrnes eats fruit from the cafe fruit bowl without leaving 50 cents. Not sure if this is a contributing factor to anything but if true it's just despicable.
I worked with Apoka plant since the late 80's as a contractor fon their litho equip. Great place, Awesome people... I am very sorry to hear this terrible news. I wish you all the best of luck in the future... This may be you best chance to get the heck out of the Semiconductor Manuf. sector! Good Luck!
Demoted to janitor
Were Directors cut yesterday? especially if one was seen clearing out an office on the weekend.
Seems RFMD bought TriQuint just to put their hands on BAW technology, R&D, IP, and get reed off everything else...
Without the fusion, RFMD should be just other walking dead semiconductor giant...wich they deserve to be.
My name is John Peery with The Apopka Chief newspaper. We are a local newspaper covering, as our name suggests, the immediate Apopka area. If anyone has information on the layoffs, especially details, I would love to hear from you via email. My email is: news@theapopkachief.com. Our website is: https://theapopkachief.com/ I will keep any information confidential. Thanks.
Sounds like SAW will end up being outsourced by Qorvo. How well did that work for RFMD? Seems like they will move down the supply chain eventually from a Tier II to Tier III supplier of parts.
Well darn..sorry to hear about the site closing. There have been so many cycles of layoffs it seemed inevitable. Triquint should of never merged with RFMD anyway. Good luck to all.
Don't worry, It is is dollar saving move. Plenty of bonuses will be given out. Just make sure you hold out to get the largest possible bonus/severance package, if you commit to stay to the end.
build brand new building, have layoff... buy 14 million tool... close the doors. Great upper management
I wonder how they will spin the tax breaks that Apopka was given
BAW was originally designed in Apopka. Texas happened because there was not room in Apopka. Apopka still does most of the design work, but that will change over the coming year. People will leave quickly from upstairs. All new hires will be in Texas. The Fab will be busy for a while building an inventory of legacy parts and then it will fall off a cliff.
What you mean?
Seems many doesn’t know that BAW is a whole separated universe from Apopka site.
The 200 of the Design people will be affected. Watch all new hires will occur in Texas or NC for Design. Eventually critical mass will hit and experience will be enough in those two locations that the rest of Apopka will not be needed.
Closing within a year. About 200 employees not affected, for now, the rest will lose their jobs. The unaffected ones will move to new site.
So the FAB will be closing. Any date announced? Any actual layoffs today? What about the Design groups...will they be closing or relocating to North Carolina?
Not how many..it said closing the plant so I would think all.
How many cut today?
Not a rumor- it is official.