Thread regarding eBay Inc. layoffs

There is no future at eBay

Attention all potential new highers/job sneakers to ebay, do not join/apply unless you like to be let go after only +/- 1 year. What a waist if you are looking for a great place to work and a steady paycheck! There is only constant unecessay reorganizations and lay-offs every 6-12 months with zero focus on changing unplanned goals from a delusional out of touch leadership that does not get it. Director and manger level leadership dance around the main leadership and no real innovative work ever gets done.

Posted originally by Anonymous, Post ID: @XEHF7zq-1vub

| 4502 views | | 2 replies (last December 10, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+XHfx4Xc

2 replies (most recent on top)

Misspelling or not, he's completely right.

Post ID: @4Kjuv+XHfx4Xc

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