Thread regarding ENI S.p.A. layoffs

Great place for Contractors

Contractors are sitting pretty here. Yet, it's a poor place for Employees US asset is 4th or 5th largest in ENI Upstream--100,000+ BOE per day-operated-- don't know the Non op production figures.Two main assets: GOM mid water production and Alaska NOC-Nikaitchuq asset near Kuparuk on the North Slope

16% layoffs in US-- most tenured contractors however still working.. Very clear preference for and protection of high cost high value contractors who essentially perform 80% of the engineering and operational oversight and all the field execution work in production and drilling and development/ capital projects groups ... Org after layoffs: 315 labor contractors and 280 employees which does not include the service labor ( e.g.cement engineer placed by HAL for example, people working in the office on Planned maint who are assigned from Wood group.) New CEO has a soft spot for contractors ( recently gave back the 10% cut in slaries to Slope and offshore labor that occured during EE layoffs in March) but no such sympathy for EE's

He appears to have a design to replace the last non italians on the LT and front line mgt with Italian expats..(due to office closures in brazil, china, myanmar and a pull back in CAPEX there is a surplus of italian labor of all types in san donato.) Great projects in the pipeline for US but mostly broken processes --no real attention to safety capabilities or operational costs.. Making ENI non competitive and partners wishing for other options.

Primary focus is on form ( forms) over actual function. ENI US operating cost still much higher than others in the GoM and Alaska so constant fear of being sold off as CAPEX crunch continues.

Leadership at the highest level demonstrate no integrity or accountability-- so promises, goals, targets even written are pretty soft.

Labor and consulting wages are 20-30 % higher than competitors in LA, TX and Alaska (NS) so if you are on contract -- well done--

if you are an employee my deepest sympathy... but ride it out for as long as you can ... use all your sick time, use all your vacation and only work the 37.5 hour week-- keep time for that second job or playing with the family after work.. and always keep your contacts and work products on a non Eni device-- you never know when the winds will change.

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