Thread regarding eBay Inc. layoffs

Elliott will take over and layoff

I worked at two companies where Elliott came in. They will get a seat on the board. They will threaten management with a proxy vote to oust them if they don't concede to terms. They will sell off what they consider to be under performing or non core assets. They will cut costs and they will layoff.

| 3537 views | | 3 replies (last February 11, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+Xjl5G1c

3 replies (most recent on top)

It looks like the boys upstairs are pretty good at destroying this company. They don’t need any outside help

Post ID: @glvg+Xjl5G1c

Elliot and other "activist" hedge funds (Hello, Icahn?) are the sh---stains of Capitalist America. Their greed impacts the low-level employee trying to make a living, just so they can line their pockets with more money. F--- these guys, their families, and any legacy they believe they leave behind after they fall to the eventual outcome all of us are destined for. Hopefully, they meet their makers sooner rather than later.

Post ID: @8fmd+Xjl5G1c

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