Thread regarding AbbVie Inc. layoffs

Layoffs (March 2019)

This is regarding current layoffs at Abbvie. A quick question and I am not sure if someone on this board would be able to can help here - is it true that former Solvay employees are safe from layoffs because they are not part of Abbvie's pension plan? Anyone has more details on this?

| 2410 views | | 2 replies (last March 18, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+Y5x6m2d

2 replies (most recent on top)

A series of layoffs posted through the Global Organization of AbbVie Inc. in February 2019 due to the Humira patent expiration. This was only in the Global sector and not the US Market. Anyone who worked within Global at Headquarters were chosen as a headcount loss. This is considered a Corporate Restructuring. They are looking for millions of dollars and cutting headcount, salaries, benefits, and pensions is just how they found it.

Post ID: @3acc+Y5x6m2d

This is a non issue or non relevant since Abbvie took ownership of the Abbott BASF Solvay pensions, at this point this should not have an impact on who gets laid off or not.

Post ID: @err+Y5x6m2d

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