Thread regarding GE Power layoffs

More layoffs in July

Been reading on GE page that we are going to see a huge layoffs round at Power sometime in July. I'm not sure if there's any truth to that or if somebody is just trolling.

I have my doubts, because if there are layoffs planned for July, would we know already? We usually find out a few weeks in advance - at best.

Anybody knows more about this?

| 6344 views | | 11 replies (last August 12, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+YJZzyYy

11 replies (most recent on top)

GE Power has laid off the entire IT Staff in San Ramon, I was one of the member impacted. Our last day was on Aug 7 2020.

Post ID: @7Guzg+YJZzyYy

Unfortunately these are the consequences of an inept management team that runs all the way to the highest ranks. I’m an ex employee at the Dallas service center. I saw first hand how upper management knew absolutely nothing about the business starting with general managers.The gentleman that wrote the comment from Greenville nailed it! This company is strictly run on the Good Ol boy club based on the s---a** system.GE bleeds their customers to death when competitors can do a better quality at a fraction of the cost due to this system. I am surprised that place is still open since they are known to be plenty racist and harassing.

Post ID: @Xcdu+YJZzyYy

Lots of issues for GE Power

First, there is a sea change. The power generation business as we know it is over. Period. Energy efficiency, renewables, new competitors and technology transfer have change it all. The market is getting smaller.

Second, GE Management is dreadful. The Immelt era loaded the management ranks with sycophants, not capable people and we are paying the price now as these people cannot do the most rudimentary management tasks.

Third, Alstom was bad before we bought it and is dragging down what’s left of power.

Expect big cut backs or an outright sale of as much of the power business as possible. Larry Culp does not li,e cyclical businesses

Post ID: @Qhdw+YJZzyYy

Welcome to GE Greenville home of the a-- kissing good ole boys. We'll be here long after all the good hard working employees are laid off. Clueless managers love us also. We've laid around on our a-- so much over the past 20 years that if asked to perform our daily job duties, first stop all work because something ain't right ,call engineering ,fill their head full of sh-- till Bout 2:30 pm ,dump work load on second shift because not a damn thing was actual wrong with anything .WASH,RINSE,REPEAT . Next day critique the work that second shift performed just to justify sitting on a-- all day. Manipulation ,self absorbed, delusional good ole boys have helped ruin a company that hasn't had the balls to put these good ole boys to work or fire their a--. Truth hurts.

Post ID: @eeuv+YJZzyYy

The f---ing layoffs already happened.

Post ID: @8was+YJZzyYy

Not trolling, nor fake news - two anonymous and unhelpful comments.

Today GE announced its restructuring agreement for GE Power Germany, starting June and July Mannheim, and Dec Stuttgart. Employees will contract to a transfer company at a 85% of current pay, and the term is 12 months. GE will offer partial retirement and severence pay - do not be expecting a good deal.

"We are aware that this agreement and the weeks ahead will bring many changes and come along with personal Hardships." "Best regards" GEPower

Post ID: @5ifs+YJZzyYy

Fake newz

Post ID: @3emw+YJZzyYy

Yes. There will be huge services layoffs 3q to meet cost targets......but where???? Looking to blow up field core. Massive back room built up in field core, huge inefficiencies with duplicate processes and tools. Field core is a cost sink. It’s just not working: costs are up and customer scores are going down. And customers hate it. Need to get back to GE accountability, expertise, and customer service. If Ge can do that, power services has a chance.

Post ID: @2ptk+YJZzyYy

or if somebody is just trolling.

You're just trolling.

Post ID: @1dyc+YJZzyYy

Outage season is over by then so yes July would make sense. Remember too that the more capacity GE pulls out of the market, the higher price they can charge on the remaining work. The Power market is not coming back. Siemens is hooking up with MHI on the new equipment side and creating a stand alone services group. This is a fundamental and permanent change in the business. Did GE management make it worse by buying Alstom? Absof***inglutely. But it was coming in any case. Thieves like Immelt and Bolze got out when they knew the ship was sinking

Post ID: @1jze+YJZzyYy

It’s fake news.

Post ID: @bqa+YJZzyYy

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