The individuals who manage the mines in Southwestern PA and West Virginia are misogynists , they would rather hire 100 stupid men, than hire intelligent , educated women. The EEOC does not enforce equality in hiring practices. They may hire a couple "token " women, but none of them have higher positions. It would be too intimidating for the men to know that a woman can be an electrical supervisor or a foreman and do a better job than they do. It won't be long until all the mines lay off again, and they can really know how difficult the job market is: What you know, not Who you know.
2 replies (most recent on top)
The coal mines have never been equal opportunity employers, and everyone knows it! The coal mines are the last vestige of a lost age where women can be discriminated against and harassed by mo--ns and get away with it. Yes there are Some decent men in the coal industry, but most of them are uneducated Good 'Ol Boys who think a women's place is in the kitchen, or anywhere else but a mine. There are many women who can do any job a man can do, as a matter of fact there are so many "weak" men out there, many women can do a better job. The EEOC lawsuit against Mach Mining in Illinois in 2017 for over 4 million dollars was a victory for women, and they need to come to Southwestern PA and West VA to see that women are grossly underrepresented in all jobs within the coal mines, from hourly workers to supervisors and higher. Coal is dying and for the environment that is a good thing, but all the men who wouldn't give women a chance to support their families will now see how difficult it will be for them to make ends meet. Its true "What goes around, comes around"
You sound pleasant to work with.