Thread regarding HBO - Home Box Office, Inc. layoffs

AT&T specifically wanted us

I don't think we'll see that many layoffs at HBO in the next few months. We are one of the main reasons for this acquisition - why in the world would they want to change something that obviously works and they know it works? What would be the point?

Just my two cents...

| 2514 views | | 5 replies (last February 1, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+Yxf4eO8

5 replies (most recent on top)

Knowledge about HBO's assert is one thing, don't underestimate the stupidity of Stank and company. Don't take my word for it, just look at what happened of any of the major acquisitions in the last 20 years and where those acquired employees ended up.

Why "change something that obviously works"? Because they can, and has the need to feel their ego's and the admiration of their minions.

Post ID: @aFwzu+Yxf4eO8

Sorry to be harsh. But they do not want you. They want your content with which they can saturate with ads and commercials in order to maximize revenue. They will destroy you. Pick the little pieces of value, and liquidate the rest. At&t is not an innovator. The old monoply telco mentality reigns supreme. They are completely devoid of creativity. Good luck,

Post ID: @pntr+Yxf4eO8

That's what was thought at DirecTV. Welcome to AT&T!

Post ID: @bjun+Yxf4eO8

HBO as a brand is valuable. Administrative wise, we're not worth much. They may have wanted us but if we were safe, why would they merge with Turner? Our content is safe but our jobs are not.

Post ID: @3vll+Yxf4eO8

And why the hell would they want a bunch of OVERPAID lazy ibew workers, elaborate.. elaborate after game of thrones is over.

Post ID: @3jaj+Yxf4eO8

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