Thread regarding Deutsche Bank layoffs

Incoming Analysts (Equities group)

A question regarding incoming full-time analysts in the Equities group at DB.

I did not think this was going to take place when as a Sales and Trading Summer Analyst I accepted the full-time role as I didn't want to deal with recruitment again, but now I'm scared.

Will I get laid off after a month or two (or even before I start - are they going to rescind offers)? Or will the bank transition new hires to different roles?

Should I reach out to HR? Contact the incoming manager?

| 1714 views | | 5 replies (last July 9, 2019)
Post ID: @OP+ZWP8uQF

5 replies (most recent on top)

It's not going to hurt you to contact them but I imagine your new manager may not even be around. Unless they offer you something else (which I imagine is unlikely given they have to offer positions to ''at risk'' employees first) you need to just accept it and look for a new job.

Post ID: @1ewn+ZWP8uQF

If you are in Equities you are not in a good place right now - the group is getting decimated

Post ID: @1vef+ZWP8uQF

I'd bet your Incoming Manager is not around any more.

I'd actually make a conscious effort to reach out to her / him just to confirm they are still around.

Post ID: @1xcn+ZWP8uQF

I would plan on starting but would also start a potential backup plan. The industry is changing rapidly....

Good luck

Post ID: @ftw+ZWP8uQF

Contacting both HR and the Incoming Manager is not going to hurt you.

I'd reach out with something like - Wanted to check in, hope all is well, i am looking forward to mm/dd as the start date. i am currently doing xyz and i cannot wait to start. let me know if i need to prep anything else etc... something like this.

Also, given the hoopla, do not be surprised if your Incoming Manager is not with DB any more... Given the depth and breadth of the cuts I would not be surprised (especially in Equities)

Post ID: @puf+ZWP8uQF

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