Thread regarding Union Bank layoffs

MUFG Union Bank Updates?

Anyone know's what's happening with the potential layoffs?

| 3908 views | | 3 replies (last October 19, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+ZX8lAyl

3 replies (most recent on top)

Whoever published the post about the “Bridgeshi&@ Bascards” is absolutely right. The whole lot of them have laid a path of debris. The threat that the media poses to Democracy, Bridgesh$& poses a similar threat to the Bank.

Post ID: @7yhjf+ZX8lAyl

Worst place to work...Period. The bridgeshit bascards came here and destroyed the place. A holes of the highest calib. You know who I am talking about right ?

Post ID: @61fne+ZX8lAyl

Not much to say other than I strongly suggest that you do not seek employement here...

Career options are limited - the place is just meh...

Most banks moved out So Cal and this is one of the places that's still here - so, many stay here just because they can be in So Cal...

Yet, we've had constant mgmt changes the company has been going through lots of layoffs, and rehiring in low cost geographies.

Post ID: @1fxto+ZX8lAyl

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